class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Data wrangling --- class: inverse, center, top background-image: url( background-size: 650px background-position: 50% 85% # the `dplyr` package --- background-image: url( background-size: 120px background-position: 92% 5% ## the `dplyr` package Functions are thought of as **verbs** that manipulate data frames - `filter()`: pick rows by matching some criteria - `slice()` pick rows using index(es) - `select()`: select columns of a data frame by name - `pull()`: grab a column as a vector - `arrange()`: reorder the rows of a data frame - `mutate()`: add new or change existing columns of the data frame (as functions of existing columns) - `summarize()`: collapse many values down into a summary of the data frame - ... These can all be used with `group_by()` which changes the scope of function from entire dataset to group-by-group. --- background-image: url( background-size: 120px background-position: 92% 5% ## the `dplyr` package Rules for functions: - First argument is always a data frame - Subsequent arguments say what to do with that data frame - Always return a data frame - Don't modify in place <br/> A note on piping and layering: - The `%>%` operator in dplyr functions is called the "pipe operator". - This means you "pipe" the output of the previous line of code as the first input of the next line of code. - The `+` operator in ggplot2 functions is used for "layering". - This means you create the plot in layers, separated by `+`. --- ## `filter()` select a subset of the observations (horizontal selection): `filter(.data, ...)` specify constraints (as logical expression) to data in ... all constraints are combined by logical and & .left-third[
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] --- ## `summarise()` EXAMPLE Calculate the mean and standard deviation of Crime rates in the `fbi` data ```r fbi %>% summarise(mean_rate = mean(Count/Population*70000, na.rm=TRUE), sd_rate = sd(Count/Population*70000, na.rm = TRUE)) ``` ``` ## mean_rate sd_rate ## 1 397.9617 612.8635 ``` --- ## `group_by()` & `summarise()` Power combo! for each combination of group levels, create one row of a (set of) one-number statistic(s) The new dataset has one column for each of the summary statistics, and one row for each combination of grouping levels (multiplicative) .left-third[
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