class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # String Manipulation --- ## Working with strings Basic operations: - separate a string into pieces - paste strings together - locate a search expression in a string - does it exist? at what position? - remove or replace parts of a string - change format: uppercase, lowercase, etc --- background-image: url( background-size: 120px background-position: 92% 5% ## `stringr` package Tidyverse package for string manipulation - Character manipulation: - functions to allow you to manipulate individual characters within the strings in character vectors. - Whitespace tools: - add, remove, and manipulate whitespace. - Locale sensitive operations - Pattern matching functions: - most common is regular expressions. --- background-image: url( background-size: 700px background-position: 50% 90% ## `stringr` package General format of the functions: `str_xxx(input_string, other_args)` - `str_replace()`, `str_detect()`, `str_extract()`, `str_locate()`, `str_trim()`, `str_to_upper()`, ... --- ## Example data []( contains a 100K sample from a database of <br> leaked passwords. ([alternative link]( ```r library(stringr) passwords <- readLines("data/passwords.txt") head(passwords) ``` ``` ## [1] "_____dragons_____" "_angel" "_babytje_" ## [4] "_britney23" "_BUNDI_" "_JUNO_" ``` ```r passwords_sample <- sample(passwords, size = 10) passwords_sample ``` ``` ## [1] "sarahbaby16" "romanova-krasinskaya" "wilbur06" ## [4] "pacificaerospace" "leenalawyer" "laidlaw" ## [7] "eno-byrne" "HARAKOVA" "john.olaf" ## [10] "unvodkyvacilo" ``` --- ## `str_length()` Extract the number of characters in a character vector ```r passwords_sample ``` ``` ## [1] "sarahbaby16" "romanova-krasinskaya" "wilbur06" ## [4] "pacificaerospace" "leenalawyer" "laidlaw" ## [7] "eno-byrne" "HARAKOVA" "john.olaf" ## [10] "unvodkyvacilo" ``` ```r str_length(passwords_sample) ``` ``` ## [1] 11 20 8 16 11 7 9 8 9 13 ``` --- ## `str_sub()` - `str_sub(string, start = 1L, end = -1L)` extract sub strings from start to end ```r passwords_sample ``` ``` ## [1] "sarahbaby16" "romanova-krasinskaya" "wilbur06" ## [4] "pacificaerospace" "leenalawyer" "laidlaw" ## [7] "eno-byrne" "HARAKOVA" "john.olaf" ## [10] "unvodkyvacilo" ``` ```r str_sub(passwords_sample, start=2, end = 2) # second character ``` ``` ## [1] "a" "o" "i" "a" "e" "a" "n" "A" "o" "n" ``` --- class: yourturn # Your Turn `library(stringr)` `passwords <- readLines("")` Using functions from stringr, answer the following questions: - How many of the passwords have at least one space? - What proportion of the passwords have ., ?, and ! characters? **Hint**: Use "\\" before the character to escape "special" characters - we'll talk about those next. - Find the length of the passwords. What is the longest password? --- class: inverse, top, center background-image: url( background-size: 550px background-position: 50% 90% ## Regular Expressions --- ## Regular Expressions Regular expressions (regex, regexp) are special patterns that describe text sequences - [Quick Start Guide]( - [Regex Buddy]( - test your regular expressions - [RegExplain]( package and RStudio addin - `devtools::install_github("gadenbuie/regexplain")` --- ## Regular expressions - <br> in the `stringr` package `str_detect(strings, pattern)` - binary result: is pattern in string? `str_count(strings, pattern)` - integer: how often is pattern in string? `str_locate(strings, pattern)` - matrix of two integers: start and end location of first occurrence of pattern in string? `str_replace(strings, pattern, replacement)` - replace pattern in string by replacement --- ## Basic Rules - Use `[]` to enclose a set of valid characters or a range of characters - e.g. `[A-z]` matches all letters, `[ATCG]` matches DNA bases - `^` negates a selection (inside of the square brackets) - e.g. `[^A-z]` matches anything that isn't a letter - `.` matches anything - To match `-`, put it first or last inside `[]` - e.g. `[-abcde0-9]` will match -, a-e, and 0-9. - **Special characters**: `. \ | ( ) [ { ^ $ * + ?` --- ## Repetition operators - `[xxx]{n, m}` will match a sequence of n to m characters in the set - `[xxx]{n}` matches exactly n characters - `[xxx]{n,}` matches at least n characters - `[xxx]+` will match 1 or more characters - `[xxx]?` will match 0 or 1 optional characters - `[xxx]*` will match 0 or more characters in the set (greedy) - `[xxx]*?` will match 0 or more characters in the set (lazy/not greedy) --- ## Regular Expressions - `^` (outside of `[]`) matches the beginning of a string - e.g. `^Hello` matches `Hello World` but not `I just called to say 'Hello!'` - `$` matches the end of a string - e.g. `end$` will match `The end` but not `The end is nigh` - `()` are used for grouping and information capture (more on this in a bit) - `|` can be used as "or" outside of `[]` - e.g. `abc|xyz` will match `abcdefg` and `wxyz` but not `ab` or `stuv` --- ## Regular Expressions ```r test_str <- "Hello World!" str_extract_all(test_str, "[A-z]{1,}") ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] "Hello" "World" ``` ```r str_extract_all(test_str, "[^A-z]{1,}") ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] " " "!" ``` ```r str_remove_all(test_str, "[^A-z]") ``` ``` ## [1] "HelloWorld" ``` ```r str_extract_all(test_str, ".") ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] "H" "e" "l" "l" "o" " " "W" "o" "r" "l" "d" "!" ``` --- class: yourturn # Your Turn `library(stringr)` `passwords <- readLines("")` Using functions from stringr and regular expressions, answer the following questions: - How many of the passwords have at least one space, -, or _? - What proportion of the passwords have ., ?, and ! characters? - What proportion of the passwords have only lowercase letters? --- ## Chaining Regular Expressions Patterns can be combined: ```r test_str <- "She sells sea shells by the seashore" str_extract_all(test_str, "[aeiou].") ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] "e " "el" "ea" "el" "e " "ea" "or" ``` ```r str_extract_all(test_str, "[^aeiou]{1,}[a-z]") ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] "She" " se" "lls se" " she" "lls by the" " se" ## [7] "sho" "re" ``` ```r str_extract_all(test_str, "[A-z]{3}[^A-z]") ``` ``` ## [[1]] ## [1] "She " "lls " "sea " "lls " "the " ``` --- ## Extended Regular Expressions - `\w`: `[A-z0-9_]` (alphanumeric characters), `\W` for the negation - `\d`: `[0-9]` (digits), `\D` matches non-digits - `\x`: Hexadecimal numbers (`[0-9A-Fa-f]`) - `\s`: white space (tab, space, endline), `\S` for non-whitespace - `\b`: empty string at the beginning or end of a word (`\B` for the negation) Remember, in R, you have to escape `\`, so any of these are `\\w`, `\\d`, `\\s` in R --- ## POSIX Regular Expressions Another way to match multiple characters: - `[[:alnum:]]` alphanumeric characters (`[[:alpha:]]` and `[[:digit:]]`) - `[[:blank:]]` blank characters - space, tab, non-breaking space - `[[:graph:]]` graphical characters (`[[:alnum:]]` and `[[:punct:]]`) - `[[:lower:]]` and `[[:upper:]]` for letters - `[[:space:]]` whitespace (tab, newline, vertical tab, carriage return, space, etc.) - `[[:xdigit:]]` hexadecimal characters (`[0-9A-Fa-f]`) --- class: yourturn # Your turn What do these regular expressions do? - `.at` - `[hc]at` - `[^t]at` - `[^hc]at` - `^[S]tat` - `[S]tat$` --- class: yourturn # Your turn What do these regular expressions do? - `^s.*` - `[A-Z]\{3,\}` - `[bB]ar ?[cC]hart` - `^[0-9]{5}$` - `^(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})*$` - `(\w[-._\w]*\w@\w[-._\w]*\w\.\w{2,3})` --- class: yourturn # Your Turn - write out the regular expression for a valid phone number --- ## Resources - reference/document: - RStudio cheat sheet for [stringr]( - Artwork by [@allison_horst](